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Wave Temples - Panama Shift

Release: Wave_Temples-Panama_Shift-WEB-2023-ENRiCH

Wave Temples - Panama Shift

01. Oceana 4D 02:21
02. Key of Youth 01:36
03. Old Bones 01:40
04. Emerald Nights 01:30
05. Banana Boat and the Kalo Sanctum 01:31
06. Key of Life 02:06
07. Splendid Macaw and the Rotan Initiate 02:11
08. By Firelight in the Dead of Night 02:50
09. Mother Moon and the Mangrove Midnight 03:00
10. Enigma of Sator 01:05
11. Zarzus and the Lotus Eaters Smugglers Bay 01:35
12. Towers Above the Mist 00:30
13. The Fountain of Living Water 03:14
14. In the Land of Vision SilkWinds 01:15
15. The Sower Sows the Wheel with Effort 02:28
16. Mysteries from the Wild Ones 02:11
17. Temple of the Shark Hunter 02:15
18. Polyhedron of Minos 03:37
19. The Dance of Pythia 01:54
20. Unto the Harvest the Feast thats Sown 01:05


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